Prevent Global Warming

26.12.07 | Labels: , | |

You Can Prevent Global Warming focuses entirely on conserving energy, reducing the demand for fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) by becoming more careful and efficient in everyday usage of electricity, home heating, and gasoline. "By telling you how to conserve 'energy,' we're telling you how to conserve fossil fuels," Jeffrey Langholz say. He is the author of the book: You Can Prevent Global Warming (and Save Money): 51 Easy Ways.

Reduced burning of fossil fuels will cut the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, especially in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). Greenhouse gases, which also include methane, chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) and a variety of other gases, trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere and cause a gradual warming of the Earth.

While some scientists dispute that the worldwide trend towards higher temperatures over the past century has been caused by industrial emissions, there is a large body of evidence to indicate that the warming of the Earth is changing climate patterns. This in turn impacts ecosystems, agriculture, and the spread of disease.

Warming is also causing glaciers to retreat and the ice caps to fragment and melt. If the trend continues, sea level will rise, posing the threat of inundation to coastal cities and entire island countries.

Since these issues was born in Tokyo Protocol, global warming is an urgent topic to discuss. I don't know how Indonesian Government react yet...